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The questions you want to know about The World Incubator

12 April 2016 Author :  
Today I had a meeting with a woman that is curious. She wants to know what this "World Incubator" is about. There are some questions that we are very happy to answer, but others, should remain between the parties that are involved.

As a small town, Charters Towers people are amazingly good mannered, but sometimes people become curious about what other people are doing, and talk begins.

So, we thought we would answer a few questions you may have:

  • Why has The World Incubator been delayed? Mainly it has been delayed due to the organisers awaiting applications of a level that we believe will be successful and commercially viable to sell products and services to people outside of Charters Towers. The main aim is to create jobs and by selling just to Charters Towers residents, it's unlikely that that will happen. It has also been delayed because we are awaiting Wherry House renovation so that the facility is conducive to people who are in startup mode. Startup incubators around the world look very similar because there is a science behind the environment in which produces the most productivity and innovation. We are trying hard to adhere to that.
  • Who is the new Community Manager? The new Community Manager is Eliza Rogers. She was chosen as one of the biggest issues that startups face is promoting and marketing their products and services. As a former journalist, Eliza has that under control and is able to write powerful press releases, help with grant submissions and in general give startups the support they need. Also, as we too are a startup, she will write blogs, update our website, and importantly all sponsorship proposals. 
  • When will The World Incubator start? The World Incubator will open with startups when the renovations are finished. I am reluctant to give anyone the dates as I am playing the devils advocate and know that these things rarely meet deadlines. But fingers crossed. Put May in your diary - just in time for Tourist season.
  • How can you get involved? There are many things you can do to help with the incubator. Being positive about it and spreading positive messages is the first. Any negativity only leads to sponsors taking away their support and dampening the hard work of both the team at the incubator and all the startups. Accepting change is also important. We will be doing what we can to buy locally. In the first instance there will be times we won't be able to do that, and we need your acceptance of this, knowing that we aim to change that as people get their businesses off the ground. If a particular type of material needs to be purchased overseas, then we have to encourage our startups to do that. But then, work out ways we can manufacture it here in the future if that is possible. While materials may be bought overseas from time to time, the manufacturing elements will be part of what we are trying to do in creating jobs and therefore this is part of the mandate of people in the incubator. They need to get to a position where they manufacture locally, create jobs and build business.
  • What is a business incubator? I suggest that by googling it you will see different definitions and all are right. We see it as a place where startups can go and spend 3 months developing their business ideas so hopefully by the time they leave, they can actually start the commercialisation process.
  • Why are we focused on a 1/3 indigenous? It is 2016. If nothing changes, nothing changes. There are minority groups that need our support and encouragement and sometimes that means asking directly for their involvement. Let's celebrate and promote these people who are giving it a go and know that this is about change and giving Charters Towers a new lease in life. Our incubator will not accept negativity towards this cause.
  • What's a good idea for a startup? No-one knows until you pitch it. Have method behind your "madness". Perhaps you will be inspired by Shark Tank, or maybe by reading Inc Magazine or the newspapers. The internet is a great source of inspiration. Try and be unique or an early adopter.

There will be many more questions that you will have, so know that we are here. We are not into gossip, or nose-ness - so keep it based on information that is relevant. Don't ask what sponsors are giving as it is between the sponsor and the Incubator. If sponsors want to tell you or we tell you because they would like us to - then that's ok. But it won't change your life by knowing. 

If you want to be a volunteer, you are welcome. Volunteers may help by encouraging startups, getting their hands dirty, being taught social media and helping promote products and services in the incubator. We hope to run a number of open days, so we will need volunteers for that. There is so much to do, and while you are volunteering, we hope to teach you things as well. There is nothing better than seeing people become successful because of your helping hand.

The World Incubator is all about giving back. Let's do this together.

The World Incubator

Mellissah Smith is the Chairperson of The World Incubator, a not-for-profit business incubator in rural Queensland. Currently the incubator is situation in Wherry House in Charters Towers, North Queensland and houses 10 startups. The World Incubator is host to North Queensland’s largest entrepreneurs conference with all proceeds going to helping rural and regional startups and farmers. Book tickets on

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